Community impact on a cryptocurrency: Twitter comparison example between Dogecoin and Litecoin
Press release and publications · 05. December 2021
The 3rd generation of cryptocurrencies groups together cryptocurrencies as diverse as they are sulphurous, like Dogecoin or Litecoin. While one qualifies as memecoin, the other is of interest to a different category of investors. In our knowledge, no study has independently assessed crypto community economic impact concerning this comparable cryptocurrencies.

Side-effects of public health policies against Covid-19: the story of an over-reaction
Press release and publications · 13. September 2021
Publisher: Frontiers in Public Health. This opinion paper reports on the responses of governments worldwide to the COVID-19 pandemic, addressing some of the many direct and indirect side effects of the non-pharmaceutical interventions, side effects that have received insufficient attention in the public debate. The goal is to serve as an alert concerning many new global health concerns that interventions such as lockdowns and generalized mask usage may have created.

Press release and publications · 10. March 2021
After an initial phase of low reactivity from the French public health authorities, in the face of the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 in February 2020, various Non Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs) were put in place (strict stay-at-home orders, followed by mandatory mask wearing in public places, curfews, partial lockdowns, etc.). In our knowledge, no study has independently assessed their respective effectiveness in an independent manner nor a synergistic manner. Our study has retrospectively...
Pr. Steven Pinker's presentation
Events · 05. November 2018
Pr. Steven Pinker has presented his latest findings and his books « Enlightenment now » in a special session in the French National Assembly.

Global Variations Nodes 2018
Events · 04. October 2018
The Global Variations Nodes 2018 will take place on Thursday 4th and Friday 5th of October at the ECAL in Rennens, Switzerland. The thematic experts will lead workshops on the theme of the year, AI for 2018, in parallel with the empowerment summit co-organized between GV and Empowerment foundation.

L'erreur est humaine
Press release and publications · 29. September 2018
Author : Vincent Berthet Publisher : CNRS Edition Abstract : Cela est contre-intuitif, mais souvent nous ne pensons et n'agissons pas de façon rationnelle.

Press release and publications · 17. August 2018
Author: Joachim Son-Forget Publisher: GénérationEntreprise Abstract: Joachim son-forget est député de la 6ème circonscription des français établis hors de france, en suisse et au liechtenstein, et président du think-thank global variations qui étudie les effets géostratégiques des innovations technologiques. Médecin radiologue et docteur en neurosciences, il revient sur l’approche prospective, les apports des sciences cognitives et leurs rôles comme facteur d’innovation.

Author : Florent Parmentier Publisher : EurAsia Prospective Abstract : Le 22 mai 2018, le groupe de réflexion Global Variations a présenté ses analyses sur la situation dans la péninsule coréenne à l’Assemblée nationale, à l’invitation des députés Joachim Son-Forget et Pierre Henriet.

Author : Florent Parmentier Publisher : Atlantic Abstract : Le gouvernement conservateur polonais cherche depuis plusieurs mois à limiter l'indépendance judiciaire. Dernière mesure en date, l'abaissement de l'âge de départ à la retraite des juges. Une nouvelle lois qui pousse vingt-sept des soixante-douze membres de la Cour suprême à quitter leur poste et provoque de l'Union Européenne et d'une partie de la population. Read more at

Author : Joachim SOn-Forget, Pierre Manenti, Emeline Ozhan Publisher : Le Point Abstract : Le fondateur de la messagerie cryptée Telegram fomente un ambitieux projet basé sur la blockchain dont la gouvernance décentralisée interpelle.

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